Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time To Step It UP!

Ok this is 4 all the Team Beachbody Coaches out there, so I'm a little late figuring out what U all probably already know... hitting SC is a MUST!!! The month of February was my best month EVER, each week my BB checks were bigger & bigger & BIGGER! Then I didn't have any orders last week so I was so worried that next's week BB check would only be Team Bonus since I have so many points of that but 2 my surprise I'm getting OVER $100 ALL commission!!! I had 2 find out where it was from so after checking it's from ALL the new customers I got from the Customer Program 4 making SC10 last month...OMG! Then I got an email "Your LEADS from Earning SC last month, need I say more?!?! :-) U don't have 2 tell me TWICE, I'm on board w/ making SC every month, lol...

That will be ME holding that check next year at Summit 2013!!!