Friday, June 15, 2012


Happy TGIFitness Friday!

It's been a while since I posted here so I thought I better get started again, lol. As you can see in the photo above I'm working on perfecting my squats. That way I know I'm strengthening my core and burning FAT off my thighs! I'm learning that the key to better HEALTH is eating clean, drinking more than 64 ozs of water daily (I try to drink at least 95 ozs a day) & strength training. I still do a lot of cardio but I'm working on bringing balance to my body. 

Ok for those approaching 50 or those 50 and over, are you able to do SQUATS? If not feel free to join me in getting your SQUAT On! Here's some info I found on squats. Blessings from FAITH!

Squat exercises for are the best exercises to shape up the thighs and buttocks. Along with the thighs and buttocks, they also help in working the stomach and other associated muscles in the lower body. There are a number of types of squats, which you can do. The different types include regular squats (where you try to imitate sitting down), full squats (where you are sitting down on your two legs), jump squats (in this, you go down in regular squats and then jump up in the air), inner thigh squats (it is similar to regular squats, but you point your feet in the opposite directions), etc. All of them are very effective, and it is very difficult to say, which of them are the best squats. It more so depends on the exercise pattern and how well you do each one of them. Squats are known to target more muscles than just about any other exercise. They, in particular, target the hamstrings, gluteal muscles, thighs, hip flexors and the calf muscles. The most important benefit of squats is that they build strength in the legs and give definition to the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles. When squats are done correctly, they increase strength in the back as well as help strengthen the muscles around the joints. Since it is a compound exercise, it is particularly effective for burning fat and building strength, which are two essential components of leg and butt toning regime. 

Squats actually can be done any time of the day, however, a warm up is necessary before you do them. Once you have got accustomed to this exercise, you can increase the intensity of the exercise by using weights. You can choose to do squats with dumbbells or with barbells. However, as mentioned previously, if you experience knee pain, do not continue with the exercise. 

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