Monday, July 9, 2012

P90X Women

To Be A P90X

Over the last two years I've hit some all time HIGHS when it comes to weight loss! I've been down to as low as 132 lbs which is the lowest I've weighed in over 30 years! Being a woman OVER 50, having had 5 children , 3 of which were delivered by c-section and having major surgery for the removal of uterine fibroids more than once, has all done a major job on my body. Yet by the grace of God, I've been able to transform my HEALTH and weight concerns so that I can now be FITNESS focused!

I purchased a new scale to start the New Year off right. It gives you all this great info like your BMI, hydrations level, body fat percentage and what your caloric intake should be to reach our goal weight. Wow, I thought this is AWESOME! Then the other day my daughter looked up what our body fat percentage should be and I wanted to pass out! Imagine my surprise to find out that after losing over 60 pounds and keeping it off for over two years my body fat percentage (over 30%) is on the borderline of obese!!! I knew I was a little flabby from losing all the weight but borderline obese never entered my mind. Needless to say I'm now on a mission to reduce my body fat down to 20 percent and build some muscle.

I'm going to be a P90X WOMAN! I will be using Tony Horton's P90X fitness program to break down my body fat and build muscle to strengthen my body. Realizing that there may be other women approaching 50 or older, that want to lose 50 pounds or more, who are facing similar dilemma and want to work together to make a change, I decided to put together the Fabulously Fit 50 - P90X Women Challenge. We'll make modification as need until we can do the standard exercises. Bottom line, WE WILL do this no matter what! To join me call/text me: (850) 459-9643. Blessings from FAITH!


  1. Good luck on your journey and keep us updated.

  2. you're welcome also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award go here for more details

  3. Good luck on your P90X journey! That program will definitely blast the flab! :)
