Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fall FITNESS Fling Meetup ROUND-UP!

Summer will be coming to an end this weekend with all the Labor Day festivities. For a lot of us that means that we will not be as active, we'll start eating warmer heavier foods like beans, soups and stews. What I've notice and some of my friends even agree is that once summer ends we start to pick up a few pounds here and there. Next thing you know it's the holidays and we pick up a few more pounds and by the beginning of the year we've got an extra eight to ten pounds or MORE! If you're under weight, no problem but of course that's not the case for many Americans, lol...

Therefore, let's have a Fall FITNESS Fling Meetup.com ROUND-UP!!! What's that you say? Well it's like Spring Fling only in the fall. Let's Round-up as many people as we can to meetup two or three times a month to stay motivated, encouraged and ACCOUNTABLE! The best way to maintain our HEALTHY lifestyle is to have support and be accountable. Why not have fun and make new friends along the way. I have two Meetup.com groups one is for everybody: http://www.meetup.com/FabulouslyFitFifty/ and the other is for SINGLES: http://www.meetup.com/FF50-Singles-Meetup-ROCK/ Together we can get through the holidays without doing as much damage as we would alone. Can't wait to see you. Abundant Blessings from FITNESS Focused FAITH!

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