Monday, February 4, 2013

FITNESS For Families!

I am  beginning to see family that look like the picture above way to much. It leads me to wonder what and how are we teaching our children and if we are modeling positive behavior for them? When I was way over 200 pounds my children didn't look like a short version of me, they were the picture of HEALTH for their height and age. As I learned about eating HEALTHY and exercising I implemented it into our daily lives gradually. It wasn't easy or cheap, but it was worth it, not only for weight but my children had the best dental checkups! 

A few thing that can help get families on the right track are; eliminating soda, sugary products like donuts, candy, cookies, cakes, anything made with white flour or fried. Start your family to drinking at least 64 oz of water daily, eating more fruits and veggies and try to finish eating all main meals no later than 7 pm. Then begin adding in 15 - 20 minutes of exercise daily, playing ball with the children or taking a family walk around the neighborhood. Little by little you will start to see changes in your energy level and as you build up you can add more activity to your regimen. Before you know it you'll be ready for your first 5K like the families below.


Most of the time our children want to do what they see us doing, so let's make sure they see us doing something HEALTHY! For those families that live in the DC, MD, VA area and need help getting stared, please feel free to join my group, Fitness For Families! or call me (850) 702-4521. Let's put a stop to childhood obesity!

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