Saturday, July 6, 2013

*~*~*~*~*Queen Mother of FITNESS*~*~*~*~*

TODAY was our walk with the Queen Mother of FITNESS Ms. Ernestine Shepherd-World's Oldest Female Body Builder!

Women were there from everywhere! There were women visiting from Florida and Oklahoma that found out about the walk while they were in town and brought family and friends with them. But there was a very SPECIAL Lady that drove through the wee hours of the morning to be there from New York!!! The Queen Mother of FITNESS always says... "You've got to be Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined" and Sherri Culpepper was that for sure!!!

I can only imagine that Sherri feels like I did the first day I walked into the fitness center and saw Ms. Ernestine standing there asking... "Which one of you lovely ladies is FAITH!?" Dear God, PLEASE continue to bless us with the opportunity to be encouraged, motivated and inspired by OUR Queen Mother of FITNESS for many, many years to come!!!


  1. Fantastic motivator. And she's in her mid 70s!!!

    1. Thank you All!
      I came to finally meet my "Shero" Ernestine Shepherd and ended up meeting the greatest group of "Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined" women I have ever met. It was truly an inspiration!!
