Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Walk Along the Ocean

I had the good fortune today to take a walk along the Atlantic Ocean. I was attending a surprise birthday dinner for one of my uncles down in Wrightsville Beach, NC at a restaurant that had the most AMAZING view of the ocean. The sound of the waves coming in roared in a musical rhythm that I had been missing for a long time.

It was cool and cloudy since it rained last night but I couldn't resist going down to the beach after dinner was over and just taking in the fresh ocean air. I had on high heels and a suit but I didn't care, it was like the ocean was calling my name and I had to answer. I picked sea shells and watched my cousins play while I was enjoying taking it all in. After all that has happened in the last six days, I welcomed this stress releaser and thanked God for the blessing. I will make a point of returning there agin for sure! Enjoy the rest of your weekend because before you know it, it will be Monday again!!!

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